Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Work: Week 4, Thursday

            I desire to learn the geometry of the face.  I have been working on two portraits with Edwina, which are taking time.  So, for the last long pose session at QAA, I decided to paint the model's face.  I know it is not perfect, but I think it is a pretty good start.  Most other times I have attempted to paint the face, I have used a photograph for reference with the exception of the most recent portraits.  This time, I only had a few hours, but I worked from life, which made a huge difference for me.  I realize if I were to complete this portrait, I would need to work on it much more, but here is a beginning:


She is a bit cartoonish, but it was the best I could do in such a short amount of time.  Her eyes aren't quite right, but I have some overall depth in the painting.  The background was originally viridian, but the color detracted from the face.  When I got home, I added a cadmium red light wash to tone it down.  I like the compositions of the portraiture of Susanna Coffey, so I decided not to impose a traditional one here.

1 comment:

  1. BTW, I realize the left eye of the model is too far over, and the left wing of her nostril is too large, but I hesitate to work on her some more without having the model in front of me. At least I recognize some of the issues, which is a step in the right direction.
