Monday, July 11, 2011


               My dad wanted my to paint his new pug puppy, Maggie:

           I may still work on her a bit, but, for all intensive purposes, she is complete.  I assiduously worked on drawing her first. I produced a rather accurate drawing, then I painted her more impressionistically than usually.  Looking at her now on the computer screen, I may work on the wrinkles under her eyes, and I see I failed to add her collar-paints are away, so that will be work for tomorrow. I had much fun painting her, since I handled the paint more loosely than normally.  I like the effect, too.  Admittedly, the composition is not entirely mine-it is my father's.  I used one of his photographs, but I cropped her hind legs off because she would have looked like she was floating in space if I had her plopped in the middle of the canvas.  To balance her out, I also cropped her front paw.  I don't think my father will sue me, though.  

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