Monday, August 8, 2011

Stunning Model, And I Blew It!

            My former student, the gorgeous Leyla, was gracious enough to pose for me today in John's studio.  I didn't measure at all, and that was stupid.  It was a good study of forms, but somehow I managed to mangle the image of the model.  We both concurred that the image doesn't resemble her in the least.  She is far prettier.  I started with charcoal, but switched over to burnt sienna oil paint too quickly.  Leyla sat for almost 2 hours, and then I did some touch-ups from a photograph.  John would be disappointed to know that I work from a photo.  Actually, not even a photo-an image on my iPhone!  I had to make her more human looking, though!  I also blew the composition.  Her head is a bit small for the board, and I know better than to place the model dead center.  Here is the result:

                 I would like to work on this portrait more, though.  I keep having to remind myself that ARA spends 90 hours on a figure pose, and Sargent would spend 3 months with a family before beginning a portrait.  


  1. I think you are being too hard on yourself. The proportions seem right. Although it may not be an accurate rendition of the model it’s still a very good attempt and shows tremendous skill.

  2. Thanks, Jim! She liked it, and even put it on FB...
