Thursday, February 24, 2011

Portrait Class: Week 5

We were short a model this week, so John's wife was gracious enough to pose for us.
Another monochromatic study using the wipe out method. Burnt Sienna, turps on a gessoed panel.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bartender Bobby's Pugnacious Pugs

I need to put a varnish on in six months, but I think overall they look cute.

QAA Figure Study

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Panel Priming and a Drawing of a Student

            Today I spent the entire day learning how to prime a panel.  My friend Kris from QAA life drawing is a master of old master techniques.  He shared a plethora of information, and we treated 12 panels with rabbit glue.  I still have to prime the panels, but the tricky part of the process is complete.

           On Friday, last block before vacation, I treated my hard working students to Disney's "Hercules."  I asked if anyone wanted to have his picture drawn, and I had a few volunteers.  This beautiful young woman  honored me by making my portrait her Facebook profile picture:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Portrait Class: Week 4

Learning about relationships.  Would have liked this one better if I had more time to work on M's mouth.

QAA Study

Didn't get enough darks, but proportions continue to improve.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Portrait Class: Week 3

Volumes, values, composition-all successful:
Adele suggested I conserve some values on the dark side, and she was indeed correct.  Furthermore, she mentioned that I might have wanted to calm down the sweatshirt that the model was wearing.  Again, good call!

QAA Figure Study

We had a beautiful model this week.  She was quite voluptuous!!!   When Tatiana comes to paint, she often brings a hat.  I didn't like the hat so much this week, and it ended up resembling that of a pirate (Ahoy!).  I continued using the wipe out method.  Burnt sienna on gessoed panel.