Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marina and a Penguin

3 hours at John's

It looked like there was a penguin in my sketch, so I accentuated it.

One of the best likenesses of Marina thus far.  John showed me the halftones on the cheeks of the model, which helped in rendering!

Studies Before Christmas

Some decent, some, well, not so much:

Mel is back! (3 hours at John's)

Adele.  Not a just representation! (3 hours at John's)

Back to QAA for a back pose-finally something a little different! Not a great rendition, so I tried some expressive, quick studies. (2 1/2 hours)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Between the Holidays

Working a bit between the holidays, but not as much as I would like.  Here is my charcoal study from this week at John's:

Not a bad resemblance, but a more sensitive hand would have made it better.  2 hours.