Thursday, April 1, 2010

Classes 4, 5, and 6

During Classes 4, 5, and 6, I continued to become accustomed to the palette knife.

Painting Class 4 is terribly rendered, but I decided at the beginning of this blog not to "edit" my paintings.  I want to document my progress transparently so that I will be able to view clearly how I am developing as a painter. In the above painting, I believe I began to accomplish the orange drapery, but failed miserably at reproducing the aluminum can, especially its cylindrical form.  I will continue to correct drawing issues.

Painting Class 5 is better.  I really like the colors I used for the background, and one classmate commented on the yellow hue behind the honey jar.  The highlights on the honey, I feel, are too light.  I like the insouciant manner of the paintbrushes located on the left side honey jar.

Painting Class 6 was fun to struggle with.  The pink plastic floating device was a challenge, but the colors I chose for the accents are decent as they seem to contribute to creating some depth.  The green plastic ball isn't painted up as well as I would have liked, but, again, all the paintings I complete during class are one sitting paintings. The front on composition reminded me of the following painting by Arthur Dove:


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