Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Getting Back in the Swing....

            Last night I decided to paint instead of draw during Quincy Art's Tuesday drop-ins with a live model.  There are only two more Tuesday sessions, and I want to get back into painting before the summer begins.  I had taken a brief respite from painting after my class at MassArt ended.  I continue to draw, but need to organize my work space at home before I take out the paints.  In addition, I have been attempting a few abstracts for my friend, and have been battling with yellow.  Painting from the figure has occasionally been rewarding for me, and I needed to feel good about what I was doing.  I had little less than an hour and a half to paint.  I painted on a rather small 6x10 canvas with a palette knife.  I used venetian red, yellow ochre, titanium, and ultramarine.  For a medium I used liquin:

            I began to achieve some of the values, but not as much as I would have liked if I had more time.  Also, my paint was getting muddy, and one of the artists attending the session, the resident alchemist, said he would bring in some concoction for me to try next time.  Apparently, he has a good recipe for a wax medium.  He said that he begins the process with beeswax, which he heats.  He then adds (I think) oil.  It should be interesting.  At the moment he is currently mixing his own lead white!
            Perhaps the wax medium will help me with my abstracts.  The alchemist said that the wax is great for layering.  Beware, Yellow, I am going to win this war!!!!