Thursday, May 26, 2011

Portrait Class: Week 18

I feel I need to continue to improve my drawing, so John provided us with some drawing exercises.

First Exercise:

A series of short block-ins using the side of fat charcoal and straight lines-

Second Exercise:

A longer pose with graphite using sweeping curves to find lines-

Third Exercise:

A rather short pose without picking the graphite off the paper-


  1. I'm following your blog. I just want to say that I think you are totally awesome for making yourself vulnerable like this. I paint too. But I'm also a homeschooling mom of two and my family has to come first. Even so, I am trying and struggling along my own journey. My blog: is my "everyday" blog but I'm in the process of starting a blog just for my art. Yours is great! =)

  2. THANK YOU soo much, Carla! I checked out your blog and I love your crafts! Being a homeschooling mom is an intense endeavor. It is good to see parents have more support than in the past, if this is the route taken for their children. I'll check in to see if you start a blog just for your art. You should! Although I only really have family members and good friends commenting, it has been a very valuable experience. I keep a record of my progress, and I don't have to feel guilty about reusing supports.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and following too! I've already started my blog but it's still private, just a little more fine-tuning needed. I'll keep it "invite only" at first. I'll drop by and send you one. Great to meet you! Let's keep in touch? =)
