Thursday, December 27, 2012

Garlic Study, ETC...

This morning I painted garlic for 2 hours.  Like yesterday's eggplant, I studied value, hue, and form.  It was more challenging to create the form of the garlic than the eggplant, but still not too difficult.  What I struggled with was value shifts.  Part of this was a result of only using a palette knife, and my canvas was only 8X10.  In the end, I handled the paint well, matched colors, but the overall result is somewhat messy.

After I had enough of looking at garlic for one day, I went back to yesterday's eggplant, and touched it up a bit.  Still not great, but I have to remember it is only a two hour study, just to keep myself using paints.  I'll leave extended, laborious subjects for ARA.

Then, yet again, I added to the shoes that I have been working on for over a year.  I think this painting is just about complete.  There are a  few things I want to do to it, but overall, it is better than before.

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