Monday, August 11, 2014

Long Pose in Charcoal

This long pose of Laura took me 90 hours of class time, plus time at home to fill in the background.  Class was at ARA Boston with Emmy DeMusis on Saturday mornings from September-June.  I worked on Roma paper with Nitram charcoal.



 Darkest Dark and Background Values:

Value Study:

 Shadow Shapes:

Working in Shadows and Darks:

Big Form Modeling:

Big and Small Form Modeling:

Still some work to be done rendering, but I did the best I could in 90 hours. I could have used another 10.  I however feel so fortunate that Laura was able to stay with us on Saturdays for the entire school year.  A couple of goals accomplished: 

1.  I experienced big form modeling for the first time.

2.  I maintained the fall of light by keeping the lightest light the paper.  

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