Thursday, January 19, 2012

From Expressive to Realist

In order to appease the opposing sides of my personality, I attempted expressive figures at QAA to balance my realistic studies at the ARA.

From Bill Buchman's book, Expressive Figure Drawing, I worked with a reed pen for the first time.  I absolutely loved the effect!  My figures are not great, but I had an extremely foreshortened view, and only one chance to get the lines of the contour correct.  I worked on regular drawing paper (hence the wrinkles in the first drawing), and then on watercolor paper.  I used India ink instead of Sumi, but I will try Sumi eventually, since Mr. Buchman indicates that it is better.  I used a Sumi brush for the shadows.  Each sketch was between 5 and 10 minutes.

At the ARA, I started the construct for a portrait on Saturday, a construct for figure drawing on Sunday, and the ever dreaded value scale on Wednesday.  Yes, I am still working on the value scale!  I understand the process, but it is not coming out well at all!  I may have to attempt a second one after I pick out my Bargue.

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