Monday, January 9, 2012

Old and New

I finally finished the Louboutin shoes for a room in my house. I had not been able to work on it, since it needed to dry, so that then I could go back in and clean up some of the muddy color that occurred on account of using black and a palette knife.

Palette = lamp black, alizarin, raw sienna, burnt sienna, titanium white, and some red......


Since I will be starting a very regimented class on Wednesday (Bargue Drawing at the ARA), I want to make certain I maintain the strides I have made in becoming looser.  I had bought a book that John recommended, How to See Color and Paint It, by Arthur Stern.  It has some simple exercises in discerning color statements.  I somewhat followed the author's directions, but not completely.  I used most of the materials suggested such as the palette, but I was unable to set up the lighting correctly.  With the correct setup, Stern revealed that one should see 9 statements, but I only counted 8, and they were not where he indicated they would be.  I also was not good at remembering to clean off my knife after I dipped into each color; hence, streakiness resulted in some areas.  This may have also been on account that I didn't mix up the statements completely before adding them to the canvas.  I also didn't use the suggested knife for mixing.  I have it, but I could't find it.  In addition, John recommended not using the viewfinder, and I trust him, so I didn't.  Lastly, I used linseed oil rather than turps.  I don't know why, I just did.  Great exercise, and since I only have a limited amount of time, I could easily complete it.  The entire painting only took about an hour.

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