Friday, June 17, 2011

One More Week Until Vacation!!

              I missed my QAA drop in this week simply because I had too much school work to finish up before our last day, which is next Wednesday!  But I did manage to go to John's class and contend with a red pastel:
The battle was long-about an hour and a half, and the war not won, but I managed a likeness even though the proportions aren't great.  The turf of the battle, newsprint, gave the advantage to the pastel.  I hate pastels, and I always have, so this animosity will likely continue.  I'd rather work in charcoal.  I didn't measure at all, and I should have.  I will use the techniques Emmy worked on with me at ARA. 

             The following is the second go at the same model, same pose-about 3-4 hours of work.  Slow process, but good proportions:
This is a little messy, but I haven't learned the next step, which consists of moving the gestural construct to a clean sheet of paper.

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