Thursday, March 18, 2010

Homework Assignment

     Each week our instructor provides us with optional homework assignments, which I have been rather religiously completing.  The exercises are quick, and are meant to help us improve and to discover elements of our work.  All of the activities have been fabulous for me, but most of the results are not worth posting here.  Since, however, this assignment is relative to my new found love of the palette knife, I thought I would display it.    
     The task was to complete two small paintings, one with the instrument we usually use and the other with either larger brushes than normal or the palette knife.  I bought one red and one green pepper and spent only 1/2 hour on each painting.


 Palette Knife

       Clearly, the result of the painting with the palette knife has more vitality.  I especially like the execution of the red pepper, the green could have used more work.

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