Sunday, March 14, 2010

Summer Class: Figure Drawing

          During the summer (2009), I took a three week intensive course on figure drawing.  I decided this would be a good first formal class for me so that I might improve my drawing skills, and, in addition, was something I was not able to accomplish at my house on my own time, unless I were to hire a model.  The best thing about this course was that I learned to draw the figure through learning anatomy.  This perspective allowed me to comprehend the placement and the functions of many muscles.  Now when I observe the figure, I see elements that I did not see as a casual observer.  
       Each pose was 10-20 minutes-so very quick.  My instructor wanted us to use 3B, 4B, and 6B pencils in order to achieve accurately the shape of the muscles.  Here I am displaying a miniscule, completely random selection of the drawings I created during that course, in no particular order.  



       I obviously need to continue this practice.  I believe my favorite subject is the figure, so I will continue to work from the model.

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