Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Work: Week 3, Thursday

           At a long pose session at QAA, I used a different limited palette suggested by Giovanni.  It worked very well.  I also eliminated most medium, but needed some Liquin to allow the paint to be manipulated more smoothly with the palette knife.  According to Giovanni, paint doesn't need to be diluted.  It will lose its power and consistency with too much additives.  He feels that mediums are a crutch.  I used venetian red, yellow ochre, titanium white, terre verte, and ivory black.  I eliminated the ultramarine, except in the background.  Chris (also painting at the long pose session) suggested I add burnt sienna to the ultramarine for the purpose of toning it down.  He said the blue was competing with the figure.  He was correct!!  Ultramarine seems to be a fugitive color, not an earth tone; hence, it competes with the colors of the earth.


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