Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Full Week of Summer

           I had a pretty productive week last week, but this week is shaping up to be a bust, though I have some good ideas for paintings.  Now I just need to find a place to paint-it is too hot outside, and too hot in my attic/studio.

          Last week I worked on an abstract, that still needs some work, but here is my other work.

QAA Figure Drawing:

(Good proportions, finally!)

John's on Wednesday:


(Line relationships.  Mouth and nose look accurate, but not the eyes or cheeks.)

On my own, working on a bust.  I haven't quite gotten the hang of sight size, so I need to practice more.  This is about 2 hours worth of measuring.....

ARA with Emmy:

(Emmy taught me some tricks, and I am sad we don't have class this week.)

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