Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Study of Marina

              I worked for about 2 hours on this study.  I used charcoal on newsprint.  Using a needle to get angles and some widths, I got decent proportions.  Still a little off, and could have worked a bit more.  I now observe that the eyebrows are not quite right, but I had some success in achieving a likeness.  Had a good conversation with John.  I think I am becoming frustrated because I can see what is wrong, and I push forward too quickly.  I need to set myself up first, before I delve in.  Focus, concentrate, and restrain.  As Giovanni used to tell me, you can't hang a picture until you first put up the wall.  Decorating comes after construction.

1 comment:

  1. WOW is her right eye wrong. She is the best model, but I think she was tired. I started out with more of a 3/4 pose, and she ended up more front on. I think that is when I did that eye..... Chopping the picture in half works better.....
