Sunday, July 31, 2011

Orange Sketch

             After my white orb study on Monday, John suggested that an orange would serve as a better study for portrait painting on account of the fact that an orange is irregular.  It is a better for examining planes, which is obviously more appropriate in preparation of portrait painting.  So this weekend I took him up on it.  I started the study on Saturday using paintbrushes.  Then, after about an hour, I was called in to dinner.  My work resumed on Sunday morning, but this time I used palette knives for the oranges.  I think that it is far simpler to use a palette knife for quick studies-the paint goes on quickly, and the painting remains loose.
            For this study I wanted to conserve my values, something John stresses.  The biggest challenge for me was the fact that the highlights kept moving since I was painting outside.

              In my own estimation I handled the paint well with the knife, but I hope one day to be this loose with a brush as well.  The photo quality isn't great....

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