Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Critique

Here is a transcription of the notes taken by my classmate Mary as students and instructor commented on all the work I accomplished thus far during this semester:

Student comments:
  • palette knife work, awesome, really achieved something
  • palette frees you, bolder, love blue circles=spacious, playful, energetic, freer
  • color choices exciting, vibrant, top right (I think this was Class 6 painting)-love colors, more relaxing color relationships
  • energy in little ball painting is great (homework assignment, not displayed on blog)
  • love composition of big 2 circles (First Decent Abstract Painting), maybe different colors, try again
  • peeking color in big 2 circles (First Decent Abstract Painting) is hide and seek, it works now, doesn't need "cleaning up" (I had said initially that I wanted to clean up some of the mess in this painting)
  • loose grays, fun in potted plant one (Class 3: The Palette Knife)  and in between background in "loose" pepper painting (Homework Assignment)
Instructor comments:
  • First Decent Abstract Painting: Clean up?  How? -agree, like as is, maybe don't go into, impressionistic, expressionistic, if you "fixed it", it might become a different painting
  • palette forces you to hang on to big shapes better, electrifying other big shapes and color
  • keep looking when working from observation
  • Class 3: The Palette Knife: (I wanted to deepen the purple to add depth to flower, since my mom wants it) Not too useful to go back in once set up is gone, tends to mix up information from setup and memory, not necessarily a good idea for the painting

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